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This is another project that supports the development of the schools we collaborate with in every region in Africa. The fact that some of our P.A.K.E.M.A Mentoring schools in the slums and remote rural areas lack the very necessary educational facilities inspired this program. It would be meaningless giving the Mentorship to the children and youths when they do not have library, laboratories for the science courses and other related fields, when they do not have classrooms, desks, blackboards and all the necessary and much needed educational facilities. Therefore, as another program by the P.A.K.E.M.A Organization, we look forward to start off by helping develop, educationally, the PMC schools that we have in every P.A.K.E.M.A Chapter. Technology has turned out to be one of the main leading lights in our generation. Therefore since our main goal is to have a P.A.K.E.M.A Mentoring Club represented in at least every country in Africa and other developing continents, we will need to help some of these schools get the technological supports such as computers, internet and other resources that can aid and enhance better communication among our students. Some of these schools do not have electricity and therefore we can make great use of the solar energy and harness it using the solar panels. Therefore we will have to help get these for the schools in these conditions. Having source of electricity will also be a big benefit for the other programs we will be doing, engaging the communities’ participation and full involvement.

Educational Developmental Project

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